Exploring Neural Interfaces with the crowd at Pocket Gamer Connnects
The HVM team is delighted to be at Pocket Gamer Connects #PGCLondon today and tomorrow to explore Neural Interfaces (NIs) with gamers, developers and all those interested in the future of gaming. This is part of a programme of research and engagement commissioned by the Royal Society. It involves public dialogue, patient involvement and reflective discussions on NIs and their implications for the way society operates in so many aspects of life in the future. If you are at the show today and tomorrow do go and say, ‘hi’ to Anita and Emma and share your views on how NIs should be used.
If you can’t get to the show, or would like time to think about your views before responding, that’s fine. Just connect to the survey here to contribute your thoughts and ideas to this discussion. Its also an opportunity to check-out a few examples of current NI development and use.
If you’d like any more information on the programme or how you could get involved please get in touch.